Prosperity Life Changers – A Mastermind on how to manifest your destiny

Become the master you already are

Learn how to co-create your life destiny and reach your goals faster than logically possible! This is a mastermind for spiritual leaders, healers, empaths, sensitive souls & yoga teachers

Get everything you need to manifest your destiny, help more people and become untoppable !


Do you know this?

❌ You keep doubting your self and your ablity to manifest – clients, money & results?

❌ You start doubting yourself, your abilities and your inuition because you don’t see the results you want?!

❌ You get affected by inner doubt and it stops you from showing up autentically and shareing your divine gifts with the world.

❌ You feel tired, low on energy and you loose faith


Then you are NOT alone

Empaths tend to turn on themself when the results doesn’t show up right away

The empath complex: You have a strong spiritual connection & an inferior ego that makes you feel small & doubt yourself constantly!


Are you ready to accept your divine spiritual powers? To become an empowered empath and manifest your destiny in this lifetime?

Then this mastermind is for you! You will learn:

✔️ Easy practices to take care of your emotional state, heal your nerve system and love yourself in the way you were never loved

✔️ The direct way to co-create your destiny with ease by stepping into your divine spiritual power and NOT stress yourself hustling more

✔️Prayers that aligns you with your higher self & destiny daily

✔️ Methods to heal your money trauma & become a money-manifesting magnet by LOVING yourself & money


This mastermind is especially for you if:

✔️You feel & know you have a strong spiritual connection & you feel ready to use it more

✔️ You have money blockages due to limiting beliefs, negative self-image or trauma

✔️ You are looking for a way to heal your past to completion & forgive everything

✔️ You need an aligned business plan that supports your needs instead of pleasing others

✔️ You are ready to implement & apply coaching advice

✔️ You identify that you have an inferior ego, you are an empath or resonate with the term and you are ready to GROW

Hi, my name is Alexandrea, people call me Alex !

I came from NOTHING!

I was at ROCK BOTTOM in 2020! I was stuck in isolation in  a Buddhist Monestary in Nepal. I had no source of income to cover my expenses – that grew daily AND I got hit had by PTSD & past traumas doing isolation.

When I finally go home I had – no home, a huge debt, severe PTSD & Untreated  Endomitriosis  giving me severe physical pain daily. 

On top of that I did not have support from home to become rich, abundant or successful in ANY WAY.

So at that time of my life I had given up. It was not until later in life that I realized that Giveing up is to GIVE UP CONTROL to the divine.

With nothing else to do than to give up. EVERYTHING changed.

I Found my Faith – Nam Myo Renge Kyo-

I Found the love of my life – Giulio Conersi

I Found my true Mission: Healing people through their attachments & sub-consius beliefs to money as the pathway to their authentic self


My Money story

I learned how to sell weed at the age of 14 from my father. He taught me lots of bad negative stuff like shoplifting and so on. He was often in prison or moving around. My fathers body could not take anymore drugs an alcohol, and he left his physical form in 20211.

My mother was mentally unstable, but able to have a full time job working in a Kinder garden.  She was always stressd and mentally unstable. My mom would punish me by removing my allowance and giving it to my brother – telling me I was a bad person. Through out my entire life she never gave me a penny but always payed everything for my brother, who was chronically sick most of his  life.

On top of that

I have been physically, sexually, and mentally abused by my parents from the age of 13.

 I suffered from severe PTSD & Chronic pain due to all these traumas from my past combined with the isolation in Nepal.


NOT by going to therapy or dong thousand of nerve system regulating exercises

NOT by understanding what happened to me – It was fucked up! SO I decided to let it go!

NOT only by changing my mindset and thinking positively

BY BECOMEING my true authentic self, aligning with spirit, and embodying my highest self into my physical body.

As trauma showed up – I met it- I loved it and I continued to follow the path to my destiny, following the way God Showed me.

BECOMING a living proof of that Faith in God & Oneness with the divine IS the way to heal and become truly happy in the same lifetime.

The biggest transformation for me was not healing the core wounds – It was healing all the core beliefs blocking money from coming into my life – realizing that I was holding back form receiving abundance BECAUSE I did not forgive, I did not believe I deserved happiness or that i was anything special. 

Once I let go of those old beliefs & stepped into my divine power. I started earning 6K months doing what I love & helping more people each day!

Allowing abundance became the true direct path to my spiritual destiny, abundance & freedom from the past.

I have learned A LOT on my journey from victim to empowered empath.

NOW I teach it to others

Am I your mentor?

I am your mentor if you are ready to change your patterns by co-creating with God/ Love Consiusness/mother Nature/Buddha or the universe – and be open to believe in something greater than what we can see, touch & feel.

I am NOT your mentor if you don’t want to move forward with FAITH, If you want to hustle and work “hard” to create your destined path and you are not interested in co-creating with God/your guides/ mother nature/ angels. Then there are tons of other coaches out there for you.

“The fastest way to manifest your destiny is by embodying your divine nature which is prosperous & becoming one with God. In that moment everything in your reality changes!”


This is what my clients say!

Danish Testimonial: “Alex har en kæmpe viden om de udfordringer du vil møde på din rejse”



English Testimonial: “I manifested a lot of money & learned to receive with ease” 





Join my mastermind and go like a rocket towards your destiny & WIN over all the obstacles along the way!

How it works

I recommend that you give yourself TIME & DEVOTE yourself to SERVICE of the divine! In my experience as a Mentor it takes 3 months to transform your paradigm & become unstoppable.

I have created a summer-deal that is open from 1. of July until 31. of September

Get 3 month support to reach your destiny with ease!


Weekly mastermind with Q&A

We meet every Monday at 11.11 where we share weekly goals, co-create with the divine & connect to our gal fulfilled. I answer your questions & help you reach your goals with EASE.



Prayer & meditation

Every week I open the gates of abundance with prayer both on inside the group and with my guides.

I teach you daily prayers that work & shift your connection immediately

I also teach you meditations & self-healing techniques that work right away & shift you back into gratitude & devotion

Re-programmning & trauma healing will also be provided when needed.



Themed months Buisness & self development Masterclasses

Every month I teach masterclasses within the mastermind!

Each month will have a theme fx – confidence, business plan or forgiveness

We meet live and re-program your subconsius mind & take brave actions aligned with your destiny.


 What you get & the bonuses

  • Weekly Mastermind Calls with mentoring & Q&A
  • Access via APP – online platform with lectures, business plans, personal development journals and MUCH MORE
  • Facebok group support ask questions daily!
  • Monthly Thmed Masterclasses to become prosperous



When you choose to pay the mastermind IN FULL you also get:

  • Two weeks 1:1 Voxer support !!
  • 3-month ALL Abundance Replay in my App Dao Yin Time including my Online  Yoga Teacher Training


Pricing plans


Pay in Full 3 months support

744 €- get the bonusses


The first 3 sign up by pay in full also get a 1:1 mentor call with me! (value 444 €)


Pay in 3

3x 250 €

join here


Pay in 6

6x 130 €

Join now

ALL IN 3 month Mastermind + Individual support 

Get 3 month individual Voxer- App support added to your mastermind & manifest your dreams faster than you can even imagine!

Imagine having me in your pocket: Every time you need my advice or support to WIN over a terror beerier – I am there



3 Month VOXER APP support + Master Mind deal

Price: 888 €

(normal price 3000€)

Join here

ALL IN Pay in 3

3×333 €

join here



Terms & Conditions

To ensure both our commitments. The money will not be redounded.

You are accuntable to apply the teachings, implement the practices or ask for help if it is difficult.

Alex will be available via facebook for support  in the facebook group in the daily hours form 10am -4 pm

After the payment is revived the money will not be returned if your regret your investment.

You will have aces to the online platform via the app: Dao Yin Time for only 3 months. After that you can join a new master mind to gain aces to the material.

