Shadow Reading

Get clear on what your shadow is trying to tell you right now. Why you feel “off”, pain, sick & fear

A shadow reading is a 10 min audio clearing up for you, what is going on in your subtle sub-conscious energy, and what you need to do now in order to heal it.

Price only 15€

You will get:




Medium & Seer

I sense, see & feel what others can not

Since I was born I had the abilities to sense, see and feel propels pain & sub-cousins beliefs. In other words I was born an empath.

Later I learned I was a physical empath, so the pain you feel, I feel too when I tune into your energy.

At the same time I am a astral medium & seer. So I receive messages from the divine and I use these power to clear & heal any energy in your field ready to be transformed.

A shadow reading is not a healing

This is a reading so I will not be healing you, I will be reading your shadow so you gain awareness about what your shadow is, how you can communicate with your pain & what it needs to heal.

You need this when

  • Pain arises
  • Your energy is low
  • You feel “off”
  • You feel sick
  • You have stress, anxiety or depression
  • You keep repeating the same
  • You feel confused / Angry or in doubt

What people say about it

Skærmbillede 2024-10-20 kl. 16.32.10
Skærmbillede 2024-10-20 kl. 16.33.06

Don’t be alone with this pain

Get the clarity & support you need! This is the most helpful advice I can give you. From one sensitive to an other!

You will get the file & you can download it and use it again!

Book the session here: Contact me on Instagram here and I will DM you.

Skærmbillede 2024-10-20 kl. 16.37.23